Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is the difference between kids/teen classes, Camps, and Mini-Camps?
Mini-Camps/Camps provide an introduction to sewing. Mini-camps are 1 day, 3 hours or 3-4 days, 3 hours per day, even a week long, 2-3 hours per day for a regular camp. All supplies are provided, including the sewing machine. No experience necessary.
Kids and Teen Classes are held 1 hour 30 minutes, 1 day a week during the 9 month school year, Ages 8-17. Students will use commerical patterns (kind you see at fabric stores) and PDF patterns (printed patterns). Students will make several different projects such as clothes, crafts, useful items. Weekly classes allow the student to build on skills and progress at their own pace. Sewing machine and basics tools are provided. Students are responsible for bringing fabric, thread, and other notions needed to complete their project. Students are required to purchase the Kids Can Sew workbook/patterns through the instructor upon registration.
Q: Can my 7 year old participate?
YES! I have a hand sewing class for 5-7 year old. My sewing machine classes begin at age 8. In the weekly kids sewing machine classes they will need to be able to read the instructions that come with the patterns. If your child is 7, is mature enough to stay focused, on task, and are fairly good readers, they are welcome to try the classes using a sewing machine. It is a case by case basis and parents are welcome to chat with me.
Q: Does my child need to have sewing experience?
No. Some students have experience and some do not. There are two groups of classes, beginners and 2nd/3rd year (or experienced).
Q: Do I need to stay with my child during class?
No. I love my parents!!! However, my home studio is not large enough to accommodate any more than myself and the students. Students are dropped off and picked up. It is also easier to stay focused on what they are doing. You are certainly welcome to wait in your car outside of my home studio.
1) How quickly will my child progress through each project?
Each student works at their own pace. No student is expected to keep up with others in the class. Each project takes approximately 4-6 classes to complete.
2) What will my child learn?
Your child will learn the parts of a sewing machine and how to use it safely. They will learn the different tools in sewing and how to use them. Your child will be encouraged to be creative adding their own special touches to projects and how to do that. Your child will read the directions that come with the patterns and learn what they mean as they work on their project. Your child will learn how to cut out the pattern pieces from the fabric and learn about different types of fabric. They will learn how to iron and pin their fabric as well as how to assemble their fabric pieces. In addition to learning how to sew their projects your child will learn patience, problem-solving, and gain self-confidence with each new project. Reading and vocabulary skills will broaden. Self expression and creativity will be encouraged.
3) How much fabric and notions will be required to purchase?
Students purchase their own fabric, elastic, ribbon, etc for each project. Thread is provided in class. The fabric yardage fis approximately 2 to 3 yards for each project, sometimes less. There will be a supply list for each project.
If you have any questions that have not been covered here in the FAQ, please do not hesitate to ask